Kardec wrote about how all living persons are in sympathy with some discarnate spirits.
A person who is altruistic and honest will naturally attract altruistic and honest spirits.
A person who is malicious and dishonest will naturally attract malicious and dishonest spirits.
If most sitters are motivated by personal love for a particular deceased or by scientific inquiry, I presume they tend to attract spirits motivated by largely the same sentiments.
My question, then, is - what are the good habits and what are the bad habits for psychic research?
What behaviors should be avoided and what should be encouraged?
My first thought is that dishonesty is the biggest danger to research, so researchers should cultivate scrupulous honesty.
My second thought is that Kardec suggested that selfless, disinterested service is very important, so that might be necessary.
What else might be important as a behavioral guideline?