Why Randi, CSICOP, Skeptics are contradictionsRe: Why Randi, CSICOP, Skeptics are contradictionsI find Novella's statements quite credible. Because spirit is outside the parameters of science does not invalidate science or spirituality. Anyone who has experience with both has a much deeper understanding of reality and that is minimal at best due to the nature of the human condition and advancements in scientific measurement. In general we are dealing with intellect regardless of whether we are framing the effects of a natural system or exploring mental states and personal experience. All parties have had to make adjustments over the years. I have had brief contact with CSI, Jref, and Shermer. I have learned about their POV and got to discharge a whole lot of invalidation and mostly by recognizing blindness or lack of real experience. They are people who are navigating the same world.
Re: Why Randi, CSICOP, Skeptics are contradictionsHey Justin-
I don't think that anyone here approves of comparing someone's sexual orientation to skepticism. At least I don't and your posts are starting to wear thin.
Re: Why Randi, CSICOP, Skeptics are contradictionsSo time to ban justintime - but don't delete the post Ninja as it will make clear to others that the reason for his banning isn't his lame attempts to troll skeptics but rather his homophibic posts which despite a warning he seems intent on continuuing with.
Re: Why Randi, CSICOP, Skeptics are contradictionsSkeptics run for cover ... when they're not slinging shit at psychics ...
Grow some balls folks. We are having a discussion concerning a highly controversial topic, well, at least for the inexperienced. I don't agree that a path of logic and reason and sexual choice are related or that the skeptic movement is watered down as a result of personal choices people make. At all. Every information movement evolves as do the rest of humanity. I applaud Randi for honoring his path. I can only imagine the persecution he withstood over the years while facing the church which are known to condemn one or more populations in the name of god; imagine that. Not a wonder Randi and many others dismiss the church and even find a path of crucifying the church. The mystics have had their bouts with various religious forces as well. And of course the skeptics find great fun in persecuting psychics. They don't call it persecution they call it scientific inquiry but in fact it is another form of persecution and in humanity persecution is a powerful control mechanism. Just read about Geller. Not a single skeptic outside of Randi ever met or spent time with Geller yet there are many quick to condemn not only Geller but those who have worked with Geller. Again I suggest that some folks need to grow some balls and wake up. Unless you were there you DO NOT KNOW. Randi is a small guy too and being gay and small tends to bring out what is termed "little mans disease" or the effect of compensating for "inherent" inadequacies (social delusion) in order to survive. Hence the mean intimidating Randi who hunts the all elusive psychic. Anyone who can't approach the subject in a neutral fashion is in fact on a quest and with an agenda. Skeptics for the most part align with Science but the main players are not scientists and they make that fact well known. In fact the skeptic movement has transitioned from debunker to investigator according to CSI. What I find unbelievably discomforting is the outsider likes to play the role of authority when in fact they are often preaching blindness as truth. This trend is quite disturbing but not unfamiliar in the land of "con" for personal gain. But alas none of this is relevant to me and I have years of direct experience in the subject. I am long past being held accountable by skeptics. Last edited by TruthJunkie on 18 Jun 2013, 02:38, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Why Randi, CSICOP, Skeptics are contradictionsCriticise Randi and skeptics all you want - but yours and justintime's homophobic slurs have no place on this forum.
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