hi every one - some of you may have come across me before - many not - name IS Brett - used to run a team known as pro-ghost ( just me and the late wife ) - but this has been much in abeyance of late .
i regard my self as a realist sceptical believer ( make of that what you will ) - have had an interest in things paranormal and experiences spanning many years - back so far as 1977-8 - believe entirely in the concept of scepticism - but not the current BRAND of pseudo sKeptiseum ( or in my view denial'isum ) - I ALSO don't like PERSUDO researchers either !! - those who do know me , know i have VERY strong views on the exploitation of the paranormal for personal , financial , or any other sort of material gain - and this includes the many money driven groups - purely fame driven groups or individuals - locations etc that USE the paranormal for their own ends - rather than researching the subject for ,and attempting to find genuine answers , and of course the out and out shysters that have climbed on the paranormal band waggon and done the subject years of damage
any ways that's me - hope to have some interesting discussions with you all