There are papers galore being cited in the the previous posts, particularly the Japanese study previously -- including critiques and demonstrations of researcher bias in interpreting 'data' (which is clearly manipulable) and indeed the vested interest connections of the researchers themselves which are frequently if not universally not disclosed.
I'm not sure why a paper cited or analysed on an anti-vax site isn't a paper to you, Arouet?
Let's face it, there are going to be relatively few doctors and researchers out there who are avowedly anti-vax, not because vaccines don't cause harm, but because mass public vaccination is a reputational mainstay of the profession and a major bread and butter item. How do you convince someone else in the medical profession to give you funding to demonstrate that all the other studies are wrong and that the med school curriculum is wrong and that vaxes are harmful and cause SIDS and ASD and ADHD and other brain damage and asthma and allergies for a percentage of children -- it's career suicide. The profession will hate you, the journals will hate you, the drug companies will hate you (and will spend a lot of money trying to smear you) and the public health officials will hate you. There are paediatricians and other doctors speaking out about it, already cited above, like Lawrence Palevsky, but as soon as they say something or get cited, you, Arouet, say it's not acceptable because they are inevitably quoted on an anti-vax site -- that should go with the territory, surely?