by Craig Browning » 09 Aug 2010, 00:00
First of all, we have the theories surrounding "Black Holes" and what happens when stars implode... from that perspective we can see how energy will eventually collapse back in on itself and, for lack of a better term, rest. In this state it is amazingly dense and devoid (seemingly) of all... but as this becomes compressed it builds and suddenly, explodes once again... a new Big Bang so to speak.
The irony I find in all of this is how an ostracized author of old, H.P. Blavatsky, actually speaks of this ebb & flow of the universe in her book "The Secret Doctrine"; an account supposedly shared with her by certain eastern mystics. But ignoring her accounting of such, we can find similar teachings in many "occult" writings. So we could say that today's science is only confirming what people 5,000 years ago already knew. The problem is, they were not equipped with the kind of "intellect" that allowed them to better explain the process as we would today. The result being that in the beginning there was void until the creator said "let there be light"... the sort of thing that tends to happen when compounded energy hits that critical mass point and explodes.
Removing the whole "Intelligence" factor (a Creator) we are simply looking at how things happen and how, right now, the earth is slowly moving closer and closer towards the sun and will, just as many prophecies suggest, become consumed by fire... it's just part of the process and how nature works, nothing more or less.
We also know that this process happens at a far wider level in galaxies far, far away... including events in which two galaxies collide with one another, which could reveal another version of "big bang" perspective... I'm not stating that as "fact", just conjecture in that it doesn't fit the traditional mythos pertaining to creation. But we must likewise discount the more exoteric modes of myth, such as lore about the earth being the back of a great turtle or whale, etc. tall tales given to the villagers of a time long past, so they could "relate" to a reverent idea. As with all exoteric tales however, there are deeper esoteric truths that only the village shaman or students of mysticism, would come to know. The bulk of said "deeper mysteries" supporting the essence of what I've already expressed and what science is just now starting to confirm.
All myth is founded in truth. Sadly, many an intellect chooses to ignore this fact and places their thinking "outside" the source rather than finding the parallels. If however, we choose to embrace those parallels we would be better prepared when it comes to aiding the more "spiritually oriented" believer, to see a greater truth when it comes to "God" and the process. Even Darwin intimated that his theories were merely how "god" made it all happen.