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Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby NinjaPuppy » 24 Sep 2012, 01:59

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 24 Sep 2012, 08:27

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 24 Sep 2012, 08:41

Last edited by SydneyPSIder on 24 Sep 2012, 09:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby Arouet » 24 Sep 2012, 08:58

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 24 Sep 2012, 09:12

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby Arouet » 24 Sep 2012, 09:26

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 24 Sep 2012, 09:46

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby Arouet » 24 Sep 2012, 10:31

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby NinjaPuppy » 24 Sep 2012, 10:40

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 24 Sep 2012, 11:04

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 24 Sep 2012, 11:11

These are studies from Japan and elsewhere tracking a direct correlation between rates of ASD and numbers of kids vaccinated with MMR. I hope you aren't going to play the captious game so beloved of the tobacco industry that nobody has yet 'proven' or demonstrated exactly by what mechanism smoking causes lung cancer, therfore it does not cause cancer, there is just a massive correlation between smoking and lung cancer, that would just be being bloody-minded, now wouldn't it?

Even while outfits like the CDC are denying a link, they are secretly compensating families from a vaccine fund for autism caused by vaccination!!!! Your single-minded determination to overlook all the evidence and hang on to just one paper strikes me as slightly... autistic... too, to be honest.

http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/ ... vaxautism/

Just months following the US Court of Federal Claims rejection of the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism, here you will see data from formal peer refereed medical papers showing that vaccines caused autism in British and in Japanese children and will be doing the same to children around the world. The number of Japanese children developing autism rose and fell in direct proportion to the number of children vaccinated each year:-

[click image for larger graph in new window]

Click here on Contents for full details of the Japanese data [after our short section below on "British Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism"].

[See end of page for the above graph by annual % of children receiving MMR vaccination - still showing the same correspondence.]

For confirmation of four ways autistic conditions are caused see evidence in statements from pharmaceutical giant Merck’s Vaccines Division current President, by a US Government agency, by the US Federal Court and in formally published academic journal papers - details found here: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines

If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News]. In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkission

We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.” [Text added 10 April 2011]

I – British Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

Information from formal peer reviewed papers including data from the UK’s General Practice Research Database shows that with each major change in the UK childhood vaccination programme the rates of childhood autism have increased significantly.

[Click on graph to enlarge in new window]

[Article updated 27 April 2010 to include British data]

The graph above is adapted from a 2001 paper by Jick et al. The authors claimed [emphasis added]:-

“... the data provide evidence that no correlation exists between the prevalence of MMR vaccination and the rapid increase in the risk of autism over time. The explanation for the marked increase in risk of the diagnosis of autism in the past decade remains uncertain. ….. The increase ….. could be due to …… environmental factors not yet identified.”

“Mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine and the incidence of autism recorded by general practitioners: a time trend analysis” BMJ 2001;322:460-463 24 February.

The data shows something different and when correlated with major changes in the UK childhood vaccination programme shows what are the most likely “environmental factors not yet identified“. With each major change to the UK’s childhood vaccination programme cases of childhood autism increased substantially.

The childhood autism risk increased three-fold for children born in 1988 and 1989 from the previous rate of between 1 and 4 in 10,000 to 12 in 10,000.

The major change: the MMR vaccine was introduced in October 1988. Routine administration was at around 15 months.

The childhood autism risk increased five-fold for children born in 1990 and 1991 to 20 in 10,000 from the pre 1988 rate of 1 to 4 in 10,000.

The major change: in May 1990 the accelerated DTP vaccine programme was introduced. British babies were given the DTP vaccine substantially earlier at 2, 3 and 4 months instead of the previous 3, 5 and 10 months: [Persistence of antibody after accelerated immunisation with diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis vaccine: 1489 BMJ VOLUME 302 22 JUNE 1991]

The childhood autism risk increased nearly eight-fold for children born in 1993 to 29 in 10,000 from the pre 1988 rate of 1 to 4 in 10,000.

The major change: the Haemophilus Influenzae b vaccine was introduced in October 1992. Routine administration was three doses at 2, 3 and 4 months. [Routine Hib Vaccine: 438 BMJ VOLUME 305 22 AUGUST 1992, Hib immunisation catch up programme in North East Thames: R17 Communicable Disease Report Vol 4 Review Number 2 4 February 1994]

It appears it was only from 1993 that most infants were vaccinated at 2, 3 and 4 months with those born earlier being vaccinated at later ages in “catch-up campaigns”. This data suggests that to reduce the risk of autism from vaccines parents should delay the age at which their children are vaccinated.

One study shows that average vaccine coverage by November 1993 was 34% for 1989 births, 77% for 1990 births, 87% for 1991 births, and 89% for 1992 births: [“Haemophilus influenzae: the efficiency of reporting invasive disease in England and Wales” Communicable Disease Report R13 4:2 4 February 1994].

The current UK rate of children with autistic conditions is 1 in 64 [or 157 per 10,000 children]: “Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions: UK school-based population study” Baron-Cohen S, Scott FJ, Allison C, Williams J, Bolton P, Matthews FE and Brayne C (2009) British Journal of Psychiatry, 194: 500-509.

The rate in boys is 1 in 40. Prior to 1988 which saw the first of several major changes to the UK childhood vaccination programmes the rate of childhood autism was running at between 1 and 4 in 10,000. Childhood autism is also known as “typical” or “Kanner” autism.

In addition to vaccines being a biologically plausible cause of the worldwide increases in autistic conditions in children we have also seen legal cases in the USA confirming vaccines have caused autism in US children: AUTISM – US Court Decisions and Other Recent Developments – It’s Not Just MMR

The data presented here provides further evidence of the unscientific approach of medical researchers when publishing papers purporting to support the claim there is no association between vaccines and autism.

[Further details in our related article: British Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism]

II – Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism


Introduction & Peer Review

Flawed “Science” By Doctors Not Scientists

The Invalid Claims of Honda and Rutter

The Vaccination Data Honda/Rutter Omitted

Japanese Autism Numbers Rose & Fell With Vaccinations

The Power of Rechallenge

Professor Sir Michael Rutter & The Drug Industry Connections

What You Can Do
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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby Arouet » 25 Sep 2012, 00:20

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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby Arouet » 25 Sep 2012, 00:32

Also, instead of just posting articles from anti-vacc groups - let''s just focus on actual studies. I could post articles from skeptical sites that support vaccination and I doubt you'd consider them reliable sources.
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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 25 Sep 2012, 21:10

Last edited by SydneyPSIder on 25 Sep 2012, 21:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu

Postby SydneyPSIder » 25 Sep 2012, 21:16

I don't have time to look for study after study now, the last links seemed to point to some studies, the formatting is so bad I can't figure out what the site is referring to tho. The graphs and analysis seem pretty damning -- the notes I've been reading around the traps suggest that the live rubella virus vaccine is particularly dangerous re autism and encephalitis, just one part of the MMR triple antigen jab:

The Honda/Rutter paper when corrected provides not only strong evidence that MMR and single measles vaccines are causes of ASD but it also implicates as causes of ASD the rubella vaccine and JE (Japanese Encephalitis) vaccine containing Thiomersal [Thimerosal in the USA]. Thiomersal is a known toxic mercury containing neurotoxin and also causes allergies. It is toxic in parts per billion.

When Honda/Rutter is compared to Terada it can be seen that ASD numbers rose and fell in direct proportion to the total number of children vaccinated in any year. In other words, the number of Japanese children who developed autism was directly related to the number who received MMR, single measles, rubella and Japanese Encephalitis vaccines. Here is a combined graph showing this:-



The authors wrongly claimed this meant it was unlikely MMR vaccine caused autism spectrum disorders. They made this claim without any “control” – a scientific fundamental – something to compare against MMR – a scientific benchmark or yardstick to see if there was any difference compared with something else.

As can be seen from the above Honda/Rutter graph, in 93-94 and after, the autism rate was double that in the period up to 1992 [when the MMR vaccine was withdrawn]. The authors were duty bound to consider this before going into print. Their data put them on notice that withdrawing the proven dangerous Japanese MMR vaccine was associated with a marked drop in new cases of autism. That is clear from their graphs. Autism cases fell for those born in 1991-92 as uptake of the Japanese MMR vaccine fell and was withdrawn in 1992.

The authors failed to do what any scientist would have done. They failed to ask themselves “why?“. Why did autism rapidly increase for children born in 1993-94 and thereafter?

And there was something to compare against the MMR. Honda/Rutter did not use it.

The MMR was replaced with single measles and single rubella vaccines. These were given at or about at the same time. And also at the same time the overall vaccination rate in Japan was increased by 150%.

When this happened the autism rate increased in step.

Professor Rutter has close associations with the drug industry including GlaxoSmithKline. He was a paid expert witness on their behalf in the UK MMR vaccine damage litigation. That was not declared in the Honda/Rutter paper nor were any other potential conflicts of interest or statements of funding (about which see more below).

Professor Rutter is also one of the main prosecution witnesses in the witchhunt in the British General Medical Council against medical doctors Andrew Wakefield, Simon Murch and Professor Walker-Smith.

In addition Honda/Rutter missed another Japanese paper from 2003 – Takahashi – claiming the risk of autism could be between 5 and 9 times greater from single measles and rubella vaccines, so Honda/Rutter have no excuses for not considering this possibility and including the single vaccines as a control or comparison group:
•An Epidemiological Study on Japanese Autism concerning Routine Childhood Immunization History – Hiroshi Takahashi*, Syunsuke Suzumura, Fumiko Shirakizawa, Noriyuki Wada, Keiko Tanaka-Taya, Satoru Arai, Nobuhiko Okabe, Hironobu Ichikawa and Taizo Sato

Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 56, 114-117, 2003

http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/ ... vaxautism/
Last edited by SydneyPSIder on 25 Sep 2012, 21:30, edited 3 times in total.
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