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This is a Ghost

Discussions about Afterlife Research, Survival Science, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Spirit Communication, Mediumship, Ghosts, Spirits, etc.

Re: This is a Ghost

Postby Arouet » 16 Feb 2011, 19:10

Dude, you need to relax. Do you always just come into forums, play a short clip, and then hurl abuse at anyone who doesn't want to just agree with you that you have caught a ghost on tape? How are we supposed to verify what you say?

G. Adam too has this attitude. What's with you people?
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Re: This is a Ghost

Postby Craig Browning » 17 Feb 2011, 00:00

I'll not quote that whole block as you did, but how is what I said "Subjective Nonsense?"

I have decades worth of background in the occult as well as paranormal investigation. I have likewise referred to two rather credible individuals from the occult community and their treatments tied to the sort of things your rambling on about.

My theory is, you are used to dealing with the skeptics and their traditional bullet point arguments but you've not encountered an actual occultist and paranormal researcher that would challenge you from the believer's side on things. Thus, you offer a two word retort due to your inability to deal with such. . . or maybe you've just recognized the fact that you've stepped in a pile by posting your claims and the stench is starting to get to you? :roll:
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