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Attn: Forum may be LOCKED today for up to 24 hrs!

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Attn: Forum may be LOCKED today for up to 24 hrs!

Postby Scepcop » 18 May 2014, 04:41

Attention Everyone:

I'm going to change our nameservers to Bluehost sometime today and then migrate the forum database there. When I do this, I will have to lock this forum, or else whatever you post will go onto the old server and be lost. While the forum is locked, the database of the forum will be migrated to Bluehost to make sure that all posts are retained.

After the nameservers are changed, it may take up to 24 hours or more for all the servers in the world to register the change and update to the new server at Bluehost. What this means is that while your server is registering the nameserver change, you may be locked out of the forum for up to 24 hours. It depends on how fast your server updates the nameserver change. For some of you, the lockout may only be for a while, but for others, the lockout could last up to 24 hours or more.

When the forum is locked, I will put a big bold message in red at the top of the forum to explain what's happening.

If the lockout occurs while you are trying to submit a post, then click the Back Button on your browser and then copy and paste your post into a text file to save it to post later.

Thanks for your patience.

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