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01 Aug 2009, 22:41
What do you think of this logo as the new header on the home page? Does it look more professional and cool?
01 Aug 2009, 23:11
The current header is quite nice and it's easy on the eyes. I can't really make a comment without seeing a comparison.
02 Aug 2009, 00:48
You mean you don't see the new black and white header above? Don't you see it under the first post above? I attached it and it shows on my computer.
02 Aug 2009, 01:31
Well there is a scroll bar for it on my computer too. I think that's normal, since the image exceeds a certain allotment. Can't you just scroll to see the whole image though?
I don't understand something though, if you can see it, why can't you make a comparison?
You are right that the new logo's colors do not match or blend into the home page's colors as well.
But it looks much better and sleek in and of itself I think.
I will try it and put it on the home page as the header logo, and you can see what you think.
Stay tuned.
02 Aug 2009, 01:40
Let me know when you are finished. I am currently getting the dreaded 'red x' on the banner area of the home page and will assume that you are in the process of making the change as I type this.
02 Aug 2009, 01:48
Ok done. I've finished putting the new logo as the header on the home page. Check it out and let me know what you think and how it looks.
02 Aug 2009, 01:48
OK! Yes, I can now see it in proper context and I think it is most EXCELLENT!
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