I would love to See the World through Winstons Eyes
13 Oct 2012, 04:13
by really?
Intellectually I understand how Winston and people like him see the world. But I have no emotional comprehension how Winston or people like him see the world.
Re: I would love to See the World through Winstons Eyes
13 Oct 2012, 05:11
by NinjaPuppy
You poor baby.
Life is so much better our way.
Re: I would love to See the World through Winstons Eyes
13 Oct 2012, 22:50
by Craig Browning
While I have a slightly paranoid mind-set based on social-political situations I like to think myself to be a bit more of an optimist/realist and as such, not prone to buy into every freak'n conspiracy that rolls down the hill. I honestly believe there is a psychological imbalance when it comes to people that can find a conspiracy or the devil, as it used to be, beneath every rock they turn. I know for a fact that such people exist in a near constant state of fear and high stress, which is very unhealthy no matter how you slice it.
My mother & father know they are in the "End Times" and though he's over a decade late in doing so, old JC will be dropping down from the clouds any moment now and the Rapture of the Saints will occur. . . followed by the years of tribulation, etc. Then we have my baby brother that's locked into the survivor-militia mode, hiding in the hallars of Pennsylvania and refusing to enroll his actual son, along with the 3 or for kids that belong to his new "mistress" (he's yet to divorce from his legal wife -- wife #3 or 4 I forget which. . . there's a new one for each decade of his adult life, it would seem -- got to love the sanctity of marriage. . . )
I most certainly worry about whack jobs like my brother as well as those wonderfully zealous believers in Christ who would rather shoot their own kid for being gay, than do the mature thing and grow up, learn the facts about such things and give their kid the love and support they need. I've cleaned up too many of those messes. . . including the poor kids that gave up and blew their brains out. I'm concerned about the class warfare situation we are seeing unfold and how some mega wealthy people seek to buy our government and corrupt it at a level never before known. These are real life concerns which are more than enough to deal with. I don't care who shot JFK, RFK, MLK etc. that was decades ago and will not change a single thing in today's reality. While I believe Bush Jr. was given significant warning about 9/11 type strikes that went ignored, I do not and will never believe that there was an inside job involved amongst other things tied to said catastrophe. . . and I'm very certain little green men, the Free Masons and Illuminutty had nothing to do with it or other such situations in the past 150 or so years..
Sure, I find the Free Mason/Illuminati thing a fun topic of research and I can even accept certain elements within said drama, as being based on fact. Nonetheless, at least 95% of what people claim to be "real" is little more than conjecture -- catalysts for high drama cultivated by those looking for "explanations" in the wrong places, for the wrong reasons and with a half-loaded mind when it comes to proper research and listening to the actual experts vs. self-made dumb-asses with a pedigree.
There's so much more in life that one must learn to relish and enjoy, why dwell on the hypothetical and fantastic? Live life as it is in the here & now!
Re: I would love to See the World through Winstons Eyes
29 Oct 2012, 15:06
by SydneyPSIder
For some reason, I think of most pseudosceps as seeing the world through Walter Sobchak's eyes, from The Big Lebowski, and most likely possessing his dress sense as well:
Hallmarks: Inflexible, rigid, has a limited worldview with satisfying answers that are usually wrong.