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17 Jan 2012, 00:31
I thought this may be an interesting article for people to see. I dont know whether i agree or not...still its interesting! Not sure if the link will work or not if it doesnt you can find it by typing into google "Richard dawkins celebrates victory over creationists"
http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/201 ... ent-design
17 Jan 2012, 03:52
If it involves free thinking and not religious dogma then I am all for it. I've never believed that religion should be taught at school anyway. The place for all that is in the churches and even then only when people are mature enough to understand what they are being asked to understand.
It must be left up to the children themselves though and they should be supported throughout - especially when both sides of the argument are put upon them. They must be brought up to question everything though not just what 'we let them know.'
01 Aug 2012, 11:29
Antony Flew debated with Gary Habermas on the resurrection of Jesus. Flew, probably the world champion atheist at the time, lost the debates, but they became friends. Flew later wrote a book There is a God, with an interesting appendix on Jesus. He also skewers Dawkins' intellectual integrity. Another book The Dawkins Delusion has the same viewpoint and is 'skeptically credible.'