Though the notion of intelligent Reptilians manipulating humanity and genetically engineering the creation of humans seems far fetched, ridiculous and the stuff of sci fi, there are in fact some interesting lines of evidence that point to this hypothesis. Thus I think it should be something to consider, or at least an alternative way of looking at things. A true skeptic lives in a world of possibilities, not in one of dogmatic rigidity and limitations, and also questions everything.
Here are some interesting lines of evidence that David Icke and others presents.
- Every ancient culture has stories of dragons, serpents or reptiles creating humans or living alongside them - The "Chitauri" in Africa, the dragons that gave the Chinese Emperors their bloodline, the serpent in the Genesis book of the Bible, India, etc.
- Many eyewitnesses around the world have reported seeing Reptilian shapeshifters. They have come forth to David Icke and others about it. In fact, Christine Fitzpatrick, a close confidante of Princess Diana, said that Diana told her once that the Royal Family was not really human.
- Humans have a part of the brain called the "R-complex" which is considered Reptilian. It controls our flight or fight response, regulates aggressive behavior, and responds to fear and hierarchy. Even mainstream scientists like the great Carl Sagan admitted in his book "Dragons of Eden" that the physiological case for reptilians in our ancestry is overwhelming and inexplicable.
Check out these videos about it:
Reptilians walk among us? (A good intro to the Reptilian case)
Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case 2/22 - Describes reptilian legends throughout history and across cultures.
Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case 3/22
Plausible Points for the Reptilian Case 4/22 - Compares human anatomy to reptilians and discusses how mainstream scientists like the great Carl Sagan mentioned in his book "Dragons of Eden" that the evidence for our reptilian ancestry and origins is overwhelming and inexplicable.
Summary and Video about Credo Mutwa, the African Shaman and friend of David Icke who was given secret knowledge about the Reptilians that have ruled the world.