Share your paranormal and psychic experiences here. Do you have any stories of how you came to realize that there were other dimensions or levels of reality? NO SKEPTICS ALLOWED!
30 Jul 2012, 20:48
Recalling experiences that I have had during extreme altered state of consciousness (not drug induced) I was aware of the intensity of colors unimaginably beautiful and countless unseen in our early dimension, they, blazed in living harmonious vibrations.
Everything sang and I could hear and fell the caress of the sound of smell the taste of music and colors beyond present perception and outside the comprehension of our mortal bodies.
I knew then that I had never come remotely close to knowing what an almost infinite precise instrument my whole body really was. It is not only the brain that perceives reality; each cell is individual aware parts of my body.
It might be possible to switch to seeing with my ears, tasting with my eyes, listening with my sense of taste, smell and feel. Every atom of you physical body harmonizes together, as one intelligent member of your composite living being.
We have never learned how to utilize the amazing sensory organ that is our entire body. In this state of awareness I could stand still and hear the chirp of a billion birds which I knew was quantum particle flashing in the mind of God. They sing the song of existence and creation and we are deaf to their beautiful song and its real meaning.
Learning to use by whole body, as one great sensory instrument, I could perceive things that normally go completely unnoticed. Looking carefully with all my combined bodily senses
I could read the messages from the universe all around me. I could see things as minute as a vibrating electron, or the great expanding universe, existence told me of the past, present and future.
I only we look at everything, taste, smell, feel , hear, breathe, see and use our innate psychic intuitive ability, nothing would overtake us as a complete surprise as we become one with all existence and hear the song of creation all around usual the time.
People became open books to me as I could hear in my mind every word they were thinking, and I had to close my mind against the cacophony of meaningless babble, until I could filter it out and hear the beauty of glorious minds all around me, both human and animal.
I had to retreat in shock and horror from the dark bleakness from real evil thoughts that sometimes entered my mind. And learn to accept and embrace all that is beautiful and loving about our beautiful blue water planet and the unimaginable wonder of the universe and the super universe from out of which it was born.
My body, mind, soul and spirit as stilled my inner being to really hear, feel, see taste smell and merge with the Super- Consciousness, began to expand in such unimaginable exhilaration that my finite mind and self embraced all of existence and I saw and understood everything just like God did.
My ego was gone and I could no longer separate my awareness and personality than from god himself. Indeed I had for all purposes amalgamated with and become godlike.
My soul awareness or consciousness expanded until it filled the whole universe and beyond and in this brief glorious moment I became everything, I was “Infinite Existence” All things were now encompassed within my being.
In what we call our normal waking state we are really sleeping in a dormant hibernating like way. But with practice one can awaken to a much greater degree than is the norm for many of us.
In my earthly life I have plunged the depths of darkness’, despair desolation and for anyone to tell me there is a hell worse than this was a great offence to me. But now I knew the consequences and the accountability of life and there were hells so terrible that the Christian hell was a kiddies teddies bears picnic by comparison. I saw beings so black, so dark, so cold so evil, so depraved and hideous dwelling in this horror.
I saw the horror of this on a planet, a village much like a village on earth, the village was lit up and a little girl looked at me with sad eyes and I saw life drain out of her and her eyes slowly dimming until the death of cold overtook her. This is the battle for our universe our universe of Light and Dark. Look out at the night sky, what do you see? A sky mostly dark with some light in this potentially infinite dark?
But maybe we must travel through the dark valleys of utter hopeless like I did; to really relish and savor the unbelievable glory that awaits us.
Before we exit this life we should have reached a place of contentment, peace and love. Then the transition is easy smooth exiting a wonder beyond words , like a great holiday that embraces so much beautiful unknowns that the mind is filled with the essences and fragrances of new lands, planets and universes, both physical and spiritual way out beyond any wildest speculations about the afterlife