Discussions Religion and Theology, Scriptures, Bible Debate, etc.
01 Sep 2016, 23:55
Debunking Christianity?
You can use the ‘Debunk’ to describe what you do to a bunk bed when you take the top bed off and turn the ‘bunks’ into two single beds. Let me equate that to an attempt to discredit Christianity. A bunk bed actually amplifies a regular bed and turns one single bed into two, it accommodates two persons instead of one, and raises the bed to double the height (approximately) of the single bed. The comment ‘debunk’ alone insinuates that. So a higher standard or an elevated knowledge is ‘debunked’ or lowered to the ground to make it easier for anyone to lay down on what was the higher bunk. Christianity is the higher bunk. Additional, expanded knowledge which is being ‘dumbed down’ to accommodate everybody…believers, non-believers, atheists, doubters, you name its. You have your choice. You can choose to be ‘dumbed down’. That is what, in essence, you are doing. Anybody can complain, disagree, dissent, be a freethinker you name it. Why not expand your knowledge, lower your pride, acknowledge your weaknesses, and resort to Someone who can help you and raise you up (intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically [resurrect]). Give it a try. You’ll be glad you did!