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SCEPCOP Forum • Check out this video about auras shown on the sci-fi channel : Metaphysics / Quantum Physics / Nature of Reality
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Check out this video about auras shown on the sci-fi channel

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2009, 22:29
by jamesbond
Here is a great show called, "Proof Positive" that was on the sci-fi channel in 2004. The show was an hour long and they would examine 3 stories that are unexplained and see which one is "proof positive" of the paranormal. On this youtube clip they examine auras and put the evidence of auras to scienfic examinations to see if it truely is "proof positve of the paranormal." On this youtube clip, we don't see the other 2 stories on this particular episode but we do see the whole story they do on auras and whether or not auras are real. It's really interesting, check it out!