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Gauquelin and CSICOP

Discussions about Metaphysics, Quantum Physics, the Holographic Universe and the Nature of Reality.

Gauquelin and CSICOP

Postby antiskeptic » 28 May 2009, 14:47

Here's a lengthy article that was written by Dennis Rawlins in Fate magazine back in 1981 about the Gauquelin astrology tests and later coverup by CSICOP back in the late 1970s. I don't know if all of the charges are true, but I thought it was a very interesting read. It's always fun to see your enemies going at each other's throats:
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Re: Gauquelin and CSICOP

Postby Scepcop » 29 May 2009, 08:35

Yeah that's the starbaby article. It's very lengthy.

I've always felt there was something to astrology. Its description of my sun and moon sign are too accurate. And I've noticed that most girls I've met in my travels tend to be Aries, perhaps half. That's too eerie to be a coincidence.

Plus I tend to have kindred spirits with Cancers and Geminis. I can even recognize some Cancers before they tell me their sign. I've been right a lot of times too.

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