Applied Cognitive Science
"The Universe is a Hologram."
The world outside, as described by eastern philosophers, is all ‘maya’. It is all an illusion of the mind. If modern physics is to be believed, the ancient mystics and philosophers were, indeed, right. According to The Unified Field Theorists and String Theorists, the world really is only swirling shadows of energy rhythms following the laws of quantum wave mechanics. How do we reconcile our view of the world as solid and real with that of physicists who see it as a holographic ghost? As solid as the world appears to us, these physicists tell us that it is mostly empty space. Looking at the macroscopic world of stars and planets where we know that there are vast reaches of empty space between stars and planets, it is easy to agree with them. It is much more difficult to understand how a world full of the objects with which we interact every day, can be mostly empty space. It seems so solid. How can it be empty?
Matter, we were told in school, is made up of tiny solar systems called atoms, in which minute particles called electrons orbit around larger particles called protons and neutrons. The electron planets circle around their nuclei suns in orbits, which are as far away, in relative terms (given the size of the particles), as our earth is from the sun. The rest of the atom is empty space. How can this be? How can empty space appear to be solid?
The answer lies in movement. Movement traces a path. It temporarily fills a void and our consciousness is fooled into thinking that a reality exists which is not really there. A simple experiment should help clarify this. Imagine a bicycle wheel mounted horizontally in space. Its axis rests on a vertical pole standing on the floor. Like an atom, most of the space between the axis of the wheel and its rim is empty. Only a small portion of the space is taken up by spokes. With the horizontal wheel stationary, it is relatively easy to drop pennies through the spaces between the spokes. They meet with almost no resistance.
If we begin to spin the wheel, however, the pennies begin to encounter spokes and are deflected by them. The faster we spin the wheel, the more pennies are deflected. At any given moment, as a penny falls toward the spokes, the probability that it will be hit by a spoke increases as the speed of the wheel increases. Suppose the wheel were to move incredibly fast (approaching the speed of light) , it would seem to the person dropping pennies, as solid as a table top. If we were to rotate the wheel and gradually change the axis or angle of rotation from the angle at which it was initially spinning and then increase its speed to near the speed of light, the wheel would appear to be a solid sphere.
Similarly, electrons orbit at gradually changing angles at close to the speed of light around the nucleus of an atom. According to Albert Einstein, angular momentum is essentially indistinguishable from gravity. Thus, the atoms would appear to be as solid as marbles to any force that comes in contact with them and would have gravitational attraction. Is our solid universe, in fact, empty space through which electrons and atoms move very quickly in very precise patterns, giving the impression of solid matter?
"Not necessarily, say the physicists. The particles themselves do not really exist and space is not empty. What does exist are waves of force referred to as matter waves emanating from points in space known as singularity points. Modern research suggests that space, itself, is not empty. In fact, a cubic centimeter of space is filled with energy waves, so much energy that this tiny space is thought by some scientists to contain more energy than that contained by all the matter of the known universe. The matter of the universe is actually little more than relatively permanent swirls and eddies in the fabric of the universal energy pattern. It is those swirls and eddies which are perceived and identified by consciousness as the material world.
These waves of force interact with each other and to our conscious experience they create the sense of permanence and solidity. How they accomplish this may be more easily understood if we think of a force we have probably all experienced, the magnetic force. Two magnets will attract each other if their unlike poles (north and south poles) are brought close together. If two like north poles (or south poles) are brought close together, the magnets push each other away. One can feel the force even though there seems to be nothing between the two magnets.
If the idea of force fields is still unclear, consider another example. When we drop a stone in the water it creates ripples of force in the water. The water itself only moves up and down as the crests and troughs of the waves pass by. It is the waves of force that move away from the place where the stone was dropped. Like the two dimensional water waves, electromagnetic waves or matter waves move outward from their source in three-dimensionally expanding spheres of force. Thus, it is not objects we experience, but the forces created by the swirling movements of energy. These forces interact with our sensory surfaces, which are a part of the same universal holowave, and because they change our interference pattern, we perceive them.
The singularity points from which matter waves are supposed to emanate appear to be the points at which several energy waves intercept each other to form an interference pattern and generate a new matter waveform. This is suggested by the Compton effect in which 'pair production' of a positron and an electron occur when a high-energy electromagnetic wave known as a gamma ray encounters another gamma ray (or where a gamma ray is deflected by the field surrounding the nucleus of an atom). When this occurs the gamma rays disappear and two ‘particles' or eddies of energy appear (one defined as matter and the other as anti-matter), Each whirlpool has an opposite electrical charge (positive for the positron and negative for the electron), and they spin off in opposite directions. Some researchers have postulated that positrons are electrons moving backwards in time. The anti-matter positron swirl annihilates itself as soon as it encounters another electron swirl, and both are converted back into gamma rays. Matter seems only to exist for another particle of matter moving in the same time direction. Or perhaps, when there is no time, there is no matter. The electron remains a 'material object', moving through time, but what is it, exactly? Presumably, it is just a swirl of energy.
The electron and positron apparently get their 'spins' from the waves which produced them. Gamma rays, like all electromagnetic waves, have a basically sinusoidal pattern. That is, they wax and wane in strength in a cyclic manner. When they encounter each other, one might expect the waves to interact with each other and in effect push off from each other. If the interacting crests of energy are building in strength, they may push off from each other with increasing force. As the force increases, the vector angle at which they move away from each other will also increase and the energy wave may acquire angular momentum or spin. Having acquired angular momentum they also acquire acceleration since acceleration is defined as a change of either velocity or direction of movement. Consider for example the identical feeling we get by being thrown back against the seat as a car accelerates or the feeling of being thrown against the passenger side door as the car swings around a corner. According to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (Einstein & Infeld, 1938), this acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity. In his classic experiment he demonstrates that it is impossible for a conscious observer in a sealed elevator to tell the difference between the downward force exerted on us by the upward acceleration of the elevator in free space and the downward pull exerted on us by the same elevator in a gravitational field such as that of the earth.
Things which have gravity also have mass (which may be defined as the ability “bend space” or to attract other masses toward themselves). Einstein believed that mass was energy that was changed in form and that it in turn changed the shape of space around it. Particles of mass, then, would seem to be simply the result of the bending of energy waves. They are energy bundles with cyclical movement and angular velocity ( i.e., movement about a point).
When they approach close enough, each particle's swirling motion prevents it from being sucked into the other particle. They are not spinning in precisely the same way and are changing the shape of the space around them in different ways. To better visualize this, imagine two pencils tied to a string. As we turn the pencils about their vertical axes, they each wind up the string, drawing themselves closer and closer to one another. However, at some point, since each is trying to pull the string toward its own center, they bump into each other and can move no closer.
Atomic particles, however, are not marbles attached by inelastic strings. We must continually remind ourselves that these 'particles' are really just swirls in the fabric of energy woven throughout the entire universe. Each swirl affects the whole Fabric just as twisting any portion of a sheet of cloth pulls and distorts the entire sheet. Just so, these swirls are drawn to each other choreographing intricate dances around each other which we interpret as elemental and chemical bonding of matter.
As these atomic structures arrange themselves in 'empty' space, they change the shape of space. Energy (whether wave or particle) moves through the altered fabric of space toward the centers of accumulated masses. Whirlpool approaches whirlpool along the lines of curved space. Because space is curved by the masses within it, masses tend to “fall” towards each other. Imagine a large ball bearing being placed in the middle of a sheet of thin rubber. Its weight stretches the rubber sheet downward and smaller ball bearings placed on the sheet roll downward on the sheet towards the curved depression made by the larger ball-bearing. Because each of the particles or whorls of energy are spinning they tend to be drawn together and merge their attributes with one another, creating even larger curves in space so that more and more mass is accumulated in these centers of curved space.
As the whirlpools grow in size and accumulate more and more energy, they eventually become clouds of gases and the clouds of gases become stars in which energy is curved and recurved in upon itself. The stars themselves swirl about each other and are drawn together to form galaxies of stars. It now appears that the galaxies of stars swirl about black holes. Black holes are apparently formed when massive stars become so massive that they collapse in on themselves and create a gravitational pull so strong that they begin to draw other stars and gases towards themselves to form galactic clusters of stars. Whether these black holes existed at the beginning of the universe or developed as the result of the interaction of electromagnetic fields is not fully understood. Nevertheless, they and all other forms of matter are apparently created by the swirls of energy which result when “out of phase” electromagnetic waves of energy encounter one another. The mass, charge, and angular momentum of already formed matter will also contribute to the gathering of electromagnetic energy to form more matter, by changing the shape of the space around itself.
In large accumulations of mass-energy such as stars, the gravitational attraction is very strong. Swirls of energy pull and curve space towards themselves forming atomic particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons). Small atoms of hydrogen gas (with one proton and one electron) are formed and then are drawn together and compressed tightly so that they combine to form larger atoms of helium (with two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons). As gravitational attraction increases, more particles are drawn together to form even larger atoms with larger and larger nuclei. The dance of energy becomes more intricate and complex. The more gravity pulls and compresses matter together, the more energy (electromagnetic radiation in the form of heat and light) is released. This fusion energy produces our sunlight and starlight.
As larger and larger atoms are formed, they become less and less stable. This may occur because each of these tiny whorls of energy is trying to pull the rest of the universe into its own center and thus most of them are pulling against each other. Or it may be that the natural tendency of energy is to move freely. In any event, certain larger atoms split spontaneously (or with the introduction of a small additional bit of energy), releasing electromagnetic energy and small particles and fragments of the original nucleus. We refer to this as nuclear fission.
The more gravitational attraction increases in the center of a star, the more of these reactions occur and the more energy is released. The stronger the pull towards the center, the more energy is released and pushed outward. Thus on a larger scale, the same thing that happens when atoms become too massive, happens when stars become too massive. The continual release of energy from atoms being pulled into the center of the star combined with the jostling of other atoms being pushed and pulled by the swirling forces within the star may cause the star itself to explode in a huge supernova, throwing 'pieces' of itself off into space. Some of these pieces may eventually be gathered into the curved spaces of other stars and form planets.
Sometimes, the remaining central core of the star becomes unencumbered by the outer fragments which have blown away, and it compresses even further. The accumulation of mass is so great in this core that atoms are forced out of existence and finally only neutrally-charged particles of matter remain in existence. These stars then become neutron stars in which the collapsing pressure of gravity is so great nothing can escape once it comes into the gravitational field. If these whirlpools are massive enough, they become black holes.
Alternatively, especially with extremely massive stars, the star may not explode, but rather implodes from the strength of its own gravitational field. Black holes may suck mass and energy into themselves with such force that they squeeze it out of existence in this universe. Some theorists maintain that this energy reappears in other universes or in another part of this universe as a white hole that spews out masses of energy to begin the cycle all over again. Energy is continually changing.
It is time to remind ourselves once more, however, that this solid universe which we have just been describing is really just the twists and turns, swirls and eddies in the fabric of universal energy fields. Perhaps the proscription uttered by God in the Hebrew and Christian Bible, "Let there be Light!" is the best indication that before there was anything else, there was energy and that the entire universe has been created out of those gossamer threads of electromagnetic “light” energy. It also makes sense then that beings with conscious awareness would experience and interpret the universe by means of such energy.
This energy is intricately bound into the nature of the universe. It is crucial to an understanding of it. Einstein's classic formula, E = mc2 , tells us that energy (E) is equal to matter or mass (m) when multiplied by the speed of light (energy) squared (c2 ). When mass is converted to energy, as in a nuclear explosion, massive amounts of energy are released, just as Einstein's formula predicts. Mass is presumably created by somehow absorbing and containing those large amounts of energy within a small volume of space. Perhaps the reason that electromagnetic energy seems to have the properties of both matter and energy is that it is the transition point between them.
In essence, the universe is very much a holographic illusion. Energy released from the big bang, black holes, white holes, or other energy sources impinge on each other and form interference patterns. These are complex, multi-dimensional interference patterns, and to human beings, who are part of the universal hologram, they seem very real and substantial because we obey the same physical laws of energy interaction as the rest of the universe. Consciousness has the luxury of observing the universe of which it is a part.