Nostradamus » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:51 pm
There are a large number of logical fallacies or should we say assumptions in the original post.
Sums it up, as far as the original post goes.
Following this thread in a mobius pattern
TaggertComet had some good points
"(Time)" can better be visualized as a mobius strip, a line expressing infinite length, where "beginning" and "end" are the same point or state." (RE: the Wurm Ourobus -Twain)
TaggertComet continued "I would suggest the opposite of his/her claim. How can there be a past and a future if there is the present? The past is just the memory in our minds of a state we once were. Since we cannot revisit the past except in our minds, does the past even exist?"
highflyertoo followed up with a comment I wish I could write with one Keystroke
“I wrote out a long response and my page broke down... I'll try condense form”
highflyertoo went on “...maybe there is no PRESENT TIME but only ''Past Time Thoughts and Future Time Thoughts'' because I can not measure the Present Time Thought.
I can think about the Past and Future, yet I can't think about the Present Time because I can't put it in a jar to examine it.
I mean really who can scientifically prove that there is an actually Present, maybe awareness is only allowed to be in the Past and Future while being excluded from a perceived present awareness. When someone speaks, even before completing their word, the past has taken place.
So is the Past and Future ACTUALLY occupying the present time, instead of the present occupying the Present Time called NOW ?”
At this point, Scecop.I was again struck by the mind-twisting zen like qualities that come with contemplating or meditating on time.
I first began contemplating at at a similarly early age to you, and perceived that there was phenomenal time, in which my body lived, and the past, where my mind lived. Outside of that, there where a lot of theories, but the one I was taught was true was the Calvinist Newtonian predestinarian one, where the moment does not exist and is mathematically irrelevant....until you get to quantum physics
I have definitely noticed that my beliefs about time affect the way I perceive it. I (k)now perceive only this moment as existing (just the opposite, it seems, of what you are experiencing, highflyer)
Note, I don't think this is the most probable model. I think it is the most experientially useful.
highflyertoo continued, "Ok I'll try this instead .... What is the location of NOW? If one can't visit the PAST because it's gone, then where has it gone? Did the present ever LEAVE?, if the Present never left, then how can there be a PAST? How can I retrieve thoughts that are meant to have taken place before, yet are still able to be RECALLED? Surely recalling the past is TIME TRAVEL?" (A point CS Lewis made, as well as Toynbee and others, including the traveler in Wells' acct. Twain)
"This is why I believe science has no right to assert itself as ''true knowledge''. Science is limited to the natural only." Agreed.
That finishes my commentary. To break my mobius pattern, I will mention, WHILE I was writing this, MY TOWN GOT BUZZED BY UFOES!!!!