... ution2.phpAn exerpt
the central goal of evolution - beginning with the very first primordial interaction between light and space - must be to focus energy into harmonically structured life forms that are able to recognize other harmonic forms. Counter to the w...idely accepted theory that life is a fluke of Nature and guided strictly by natural selection and random mutation, Darwinists need to seriously consider the idea that the universe is predisposed toward increasing coherence through the omnipresent patterning process of harmonic standing waves. Increasing coherence is built into the very fabric of spacetime even while entropy works to take it apart according to the second law of thermodynamics. The proof is all around us, as the following story illustrates.
One morning, a small woodland creature wakes up and begins his daily hunt for food. Somewhere else, a truck driver wakes up and gets ready to haul a new load down the highway. Stopping first for coffee and fuel, he enjoys the beautiful sunrise as he drives. But then, as he rounds the corner he sees a small animal in the road up ahead. With no time to react, he hits the innocent creature and in a tragic instant transforms him into another road kill statistic. Repeated over and over, this is the sad story of how vehicles kill an estimated one million vertebrate animals a day (one every 11.5 seconds) in the U.S. alone.
Yet while each road kill event appears to be just another random occurrence in a hostile and uncaring world, you might be surprised to learn that they all occur in a very predictable pattern. If we were to add up the distances between each of the road kill on the highway and sort them by distance inside a spreadsheet, we would find they tend to approximate a probability curve known as a Poisson distribution. The more road kill we measure, the closer it will fit into the same curve. And, if we could measure the road kill everywhere in the world at any given moment we would find an almost perfect match to the Poisson curve! How could this be?
As it happens, the Poisson distribution is a special case of the Gaussian distribution, which, as we know by now, is the spectral interference pattern of harmonics. So, this story is really telling us that the physics of harmonics is a guiding property of time - no matter how random something may seem. It is also telling us that the second law of thermodynamics, which defines entropy as the decaying (or damping) principle of Nature, should be amended to recognize the counterbalancing effect of reflective resonance in periodic systems. Harmony should not be ignored or avoided.
In the case of the woodland creature and truck driver, their very thoughts are guided by a universal harmonic pattern shared between their brains, which may in turn be locally synchronized by moving together through spacetime. While more experimental evidence is needed to prove such a claim, my own research and other recent studies do suggest this.
During the 1980's, I was surprised to learn that brains operate together harmonically. While analyzing large libraries of electronic documents in a search engine I was working on (ironically named DARWIN for DAta Retrieval With INtelligence), my engineering team found that the frequency of word occurrences would always sort into a Poisson distribution. We found this to be true regardless of language or subject matter - even computer languages fit into the curve. It was just after this that it finally dawned on me that anything I or anyone else ever said or thought would always fall into this universal harmonic pattern after a minute or two, as long as it was semantically coherent.
So it is that each and every human brain thinks basically alike, expressing his or her thoughts through the shared harmonic pattern of language. As I pursued this line of inquiry in later years, I found many other studies to support it, including how neurons always fire in a Gaussian wave through the brain and how brain waves can be translated into musical harmonies for use in brain therapy. [12, 13, 14] The evolution of the brain must have been guided toward coherence over time by harmonic patterns in the overall body and the structure of space itself.